Treasure Hunting Along the Customer Journey
Monday, November 11, 2019
9:00 am
Atlantic Ballroom 1
As Business Analysts, we’re comfortable with mapping our existing processes. These are often a reflection of business needs, and the most efficient and effective way to accomplish a certain task or transaction.
Now, I have a dirty little secret about that, that we all know, but will only admit to in secret back room meetings and behind closed doors. The secret? That we often forsake the needs of our customers to advance the needs of the business. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Finding the “gold” along the customer journey is not hard, if you know how and where to look. And in doing so, our organizations can become customer experience juggernauts, that maximizes value, and if done right, minimizes effort and burden; for you and your customers.
In the “Treasure Hunting Along the Customer Journey” workshop, participants will learn practical, how-to approaches to developing empathy, mapping the customer journey, and finding business process improvement opportunities on the parallel path.
Attendees Will Learn:
- What a Customer Journey Map is, and how to build one
- How to identify the needs, wants, and desires of your customers, and how that should impact the projects we work on.
- How to layer your customer’s journey onto your existing business processes, to figure out how to REALLY make your customers happy!