Call for Speakers - Building Business Capability

Speak at BBC 2025

Call for Speakers for Building Business Capability 2025

BBC 2025 is scheduled for June 9-12, 2025, at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown, Phoenix, AZ.

Tutorials will take place on Monday 9th and Thursday 12th, with the conference on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 10-11.

Deadline for Tutorial submissions: August 16, 2024
Deadline for Conference Session submissions: September 1, 2024.
Speakers will be notified by: October 31, 2024

Here’s what we’re looking for:

  • Content-rich interactive 3-hour tutorial sessions providing hands-on value
  • Punchy 30-min or 40-min conference presentations
  • Immersive multi-hour sessions where you set the stage, direct the action and play a role. Attendees will play some active role in the proceedings beyond simply asking questions, offering insights, or completing exercises. E.G. enacting scenarios that commonly face professionals, immersing themselves deeply to learn optimal reactive and proactive patterns of behavior and thought.
  • 20-min lightning sessions on some critical question of the day

BBC emphasizes essential skills needed to drive change and development in four key areas:

    • Building People Capability
    • Building Product Capability
    • Building Data Capability
    • Building Knowledge Capability

Cross Trails cover Business Analysis, Business Architecture, Business Design, Leadership, and Everyday AI.

2025’s theme is “Immerse Yourself – Engage and Excel” with a focus on attendee live engagement.

Appear in front of an unsurpassed group of professionals tasked with leading business excellence and transformation. Help spread the knowledge to your peers, not only in the sessions, but also informally at the many networking opportunities. All speakers have free access to the 2-day Building Business Capability conference program. Speakers are responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs

Do you or any of your team have a formal presentation to contribute to this event?

Before you do please make sure: 1) that you have pre-established authorization from your employer to present 2) that you have your travel expenses covered, and 3) that you agree if accepted not to cancel other than for medical or family-emergency reasons – among other requirements. Submitting and agreeing to speak is a professional commitment to be taken seriously. All selected speakers will be entitled to attend the two day conference free of charge.

Please fully complete the Call for Speakers Submission Form to improve the chances of your talk being accepted. Abstracts will not be selected if they appear to directly promote any products or services, or are of a commercial nature. Any speakers who violate this agreement during their presentation will not be invited to speak again.

Submit Your Presentation!

P.S. – Tell Your Colleagues! Do you know qualified colleagues who would make great speakers? Please click here to forward this message to a friend and invite them to submit their Presentation Abstract for consideration. Thanks!

Selection Process

We are accepting submissions for conference sessions and half-day workshops. We are particularly interested in case studies — especially ones that have proven ROI – and interactive sessions that involve the attendees.

All submissions will be reviewed by the BBC Program Council who will select the presentations for the 2025 BBC Conference.

The Program Council places higher value on presentations that provide:

  • High quality content, including: title, session description and learning objectives
  • New information, emerging and/or innovative approaches, practices or techniques
  • Case studies, success stories & lessons learned by the organization itself
  • Specialized topics related to key practice areas of the conference

Building Business Capability is the only conference that enhances your ability to advance People, Product, Data, and Knowledge, to build core leadership skills, and to deliver business excellence in today’s organizations. True business excellence is required to be customer-centric and to successfully deliver digital business transformation. Whether organizations are looking to optimize or transform their business practices or strategize a new business direction, BBC provides the most comprehensive conference program offering insights through a broad range of topics, round-table working sessions, case studies, panels, and tutorials.

The most important thing is have something to say that’s useful! Value-add is a must. The audience will want actionable content – stuff they can apply or make a difference with when they get back to their jobs. What have you learned that can be useful to them? How can they apply it? Talking about case studies is always good. So is ROI.

Don’t underestimate the BBC audience. Generally you’ll be talking to experienced, world-class professionals who are capable of absorbing new material comfortably. Aim high!

Apply to Speak


Suggest some scenario(s) for participants to engage with each other in groups to develop, under your direction and guidance, in an indepth multi-hour session.

Submissions will be selected on the basis of:

* Topics of greatest relevance to BBC attendees.

* Most original/dynamic scenarios and staging.

* Highest potential for learning through enactment.

* Clear potential for active learning.

Feeling theatric? Here’s your chance to play director at BBC!


Hints & Tips for Writing Your Abstract

Imagine yourself an attendee sitting in the audience when you give your presentation. What would you like to hear (or not)? What would make a positive impression and make you feel your time well-spent? Consider those questions carefully when you write your abstract.

For starters two quick rules: Don’t be commercial, and don’t overuse buzzwords. Both will lessen your chances of being accepted.

Say enough, but don’t say too much. One sentence – or a list of bullets – is definitely not enough. More than 100 words is usually too much. To optimize your chances, express your message fully but succinctly.

How to maximize your chances of acceptance? Value-add is a must. The audience wants actionable content – stuff they can apply to make a difference. What do you know that can be useful? How can they apply it? Talking about case studies is always good. So is ROI.

P.S.  The Program Committee would prefer the abstract in your owns words, not written by generative AI.

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