Thinking Differently In a Metrics Driven Age
Thursday, May 11, 2023
10:30 am
Alliance 305
In 1966, Ford began to race its now legendary GT40 in the European circuits, but had trouble winning races. Earlier in the century, Allied troops began to notice a staggering number of their fighter jets being shot down over occupied Europe. Earlier still, 1850s Londoners struggled with the spreading Cholera pandemic. The solution that proved successful in all three instances, was found in metrics. Today we use metrics to define success and failures of our organizations. But throughout history the use (or misuse in some cases) of metrics, had varied results. This session proposes to look at how each of the three situations implemented the RIGHT solutions, solved their problems, and declared victory over their challenges. Moreover this presentation will cover basic misunderstandings of metrics, and how to implement measures and processes that add value to a given organization. Finally, this presentation will cover how these same methodologies have been implemented into state gov.