Strategy, Capabilities, and Processes: How to Realize Strategic Thinking Within Organizations
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
10:25 am
Regency Ballroom 2
For most leaders, applying strategic approaches to how they manage their area of accountability can be limited. Corporate investments can be dominated by mandatory initiatives as well as dealing with issues leaving limited space for strategic thinking. How can leaders enhance strategy realization in this environment?
Business strategy is realized through the orchestration of complex processes across extended value chains. Strategy is realized by developing these capabilities & processes. Even when investment spend is dominated by mandatory investments, how these mandatory initiatives are delivered can also strategically advance the organization. In addition, understanding the linkage between business process and strategies provides a natural feedback loop from process performance as a key input into the strategy process.
Learning objectives:
- What is the relationship between strategy and business capabilities & processes
- How to apply strategic thinking to how businesses manage change
- Using business process performance as a feedback channel into the strategy process