Are You Thinking What you Think You’re Thinking? : Cognitive Bias & the BA - Building Business Capability

Are You Thinking What you Think You’re Thinking? : Cognitive Bias & the BA


Monday, June 27, 2022


9:00 am


You’re a Business Analyst. You know how to elicit requirements and analyse them. You are objective about your stakeholders’ needs, understand the project scope, can determine the cost benefit and yet you still hit challenges like these:

·       Why aren’t people coming up with new ideas in your workshops?

·       Your problem problem-solving sessions don’t reach the right solution!

·       Estimating is seen as a black art…….

What if you knew what influences people to take one course over another? 

There is so much more to a decision feeling right for somebody than just the facts in front of them.  Join me in this workshop and we will explore these problems and others, draw on the fields of psychology, neuroscience and behavioural economics and apply them to Business Analysis. We’ll investigate ways to overcome cognitive biases and help counter the natural tendencies of our brains.

You will take away from this session

· What a Cognitive Bias is

· How they affect both you, and your stakeholders

· How to spot common Cognitive Biases in others and help them see them too.

· How to spot them in yourself

· Approaches for overcoming them, or using them to your advantage

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