Accelerating & Scaling Innovation in Industries using AI, Machine Learning, Cloud, and Containers Technologies - Building Business Capability

Accelerating & Scaling Innovation in Industries using AI, Machine Learning, Cloud, and Containers Technologies


Tuesday, October 20, 2020


9:00 am



This session defines how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cloud technologies are powering the emergence of Intelligent Ecosystems that are reshaping entire industries.

Organizations are accelerating digital transformation at a more rapid pace in this world being reshaped by a pandemic.  AI is injecting intelligence and learning in software systems.  Container  technologies like Docker & Kubernetes are making it easy to develop  intelligent applications as Services once and deploy them on premises in your data center or in any Cloud, so you can scale technologies to millions and billions of users. Add the challenges of data privacy, security and regulations that varies around the world and you have many hurdles to overcome

In this tutorial we will see how teams of human experts and AI systems (made up of people, robots, cognitive agents and applications) will effectively collaborate to solve business and technical problems that are impossible or impractical to grapple with today.  While terms like Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Systems have begun to appear frequently, they are not always well defined.  We will start by defining these concepts, how they are related and how they can be used as building blocks of future AI systems. We will also define how Automation, Data & AI can be used collaboratively to deliver secure applications at scale using Cloud and Container technologies with major parts of our world collaborating remotely due to the pandemic.

We will define containers and container orchestration technologies which are increasingly the choice of developers and data scientists who like to make their AI and ML  capabilities widely used in a data center on the edge and in any cloud.  If you come up with a great idea and would like to scale it in your organization, country or any where in the world, use of containers is a great way to augment and scale your innovation and intelligence baked into software and business processes.

We will use the motivating examples from Insurance, Banking and Healthcare to illustrate how AI, Cloud & Container  technologies will help us scale and speed up delivering better business capability to individual companies and network of collaborating companies.

Developing systems of this scale means you have to design with scalability, reliability and regulatory compliance in mind.  We will conclude this session with a vision of how IBM is advancing the concept of a ‘œRegulated Cloud’ using the IBM Cloud for Financial Services so that enterprise developers, Software and SaaS vendors and Systems Integrators can collaborate to develop scalable intelligent applications  that can enable data driven businesses while  protecting data and better managing  risk.

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