Bola Adesope - Building Business Capability

Bola Adesope


Practice Lead



Bola wants to change the world of work and the way we deliver value

In recent times, he has been described as a multi-award winning, highly sought-after, best-in-class Consultant, Trainer, Speaker, and Coach with demonstrated track record driving and leading Agile, Business, and Digital Transformation for organizations across North America, Europe, and Africa.

His consulting experience spans over a decade advising and coaching companies in Telecoms, Insurance, Banking, Retail, IT, and Tech, etc. on solving complex business problems and improving the value they deliver to their clients and stakeholders.

A widely versed individual with knowledge, expertise, and experience in Business Analysis, Product Management, Change Management, and Business Agility, delivering large, enterprise-wide products and mission-critical initiatives

As a sought-after trainer, Bola is certified and accredited to train a number of courses in Business Analysis, Project Management, and Agile/Scrum and has trained over 3500 professionals, spoken at several conferences, and coached several leaders and professionals towards mindset transformation. At conferences, he is an energetic and audience-grabbing speaker with depth and breath of subjects around product and people transformation

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