Upgrading Export Controls Across all Business Systems at Once - Building Business Capability


Steve Slate

Upgrading Export Controls Across all Business Systems at Once


Thursday, October 22, 2020


3:05 pm


This is a case study on how the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) upgraded processes, IT tools, and people-skills simultaneously across all functional business systems and research groups to implement an enhanced export control program.  The presentation explains the approach used to plan, manage, and implement this huge effort involving 200+ improvement actions, 20 new or upgraded IT systems, and an organization-wide change management effort.  The team used business rules to structure the complex set of regulatory requirements, enterprise-architecture principles to understand change targets, extensive stakeholder interactions with 24 business systems to identify gaps, business process modeling to create and improve 100+ processes, and an innovative project-management approach to deliver an enhanced program in a little over two years.  This rapid implementation was imperative for PNNL to expand its use and creation of an ever-evolving set of sensitive technologies, which are essential to its research for the U.S. Department.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how “boil-the-ocean” improvement efforts can actually succeed
  • Understand how to implement export-control requirements that hit all business systems
  • Learn how to seamlessly implement technology protections to improve competitiveness

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