Thinking Differently - Building Business Capability


John Faraca

Thinking Differently


Tuesday, June 10, 2025


10:40 am


How do you achieve different results? By thinking differently of course! But how do you think differently? Albert Einstein once said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”. As business analysts, consultants, team leads, product owners, and managers, we all have a need to effectively problem solve. Lean and Design Thinking methodologies can enable you and your teams to think outside the box. (differently). Buzzwords like “Lean UX” or “Lean Start-Up” are commonly searched on a Google. These methodologies have common tenets that are essential in pursuing solutions through new, possibly more unconventional, methods. During the session, a case study will be reviewed and together, we will examine how to successfully use these principles. We will also leave time for Q&A to cover specific questions related to high-impact techniques.


  • Tenets of Lean/Design Thinking
  • How these methodologies led to better outcomes
  • Learn Hands-On High-Impact Techniques

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