Role of the BA in Cybersecurity
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
10:25 am
Atlantic Ballroom 2
Business analysis is emerging as a key role in leading agencies and organizations to establish cybersecurity initiatives across their enterprise. Knowledgeable BA’s are well suited as ambassadors, working as the liaison between business, IT, security and project management. In this presentation, I will share my experiences, insights and knowledge working in the role of a business analyst alongside cybersecurity experts and analysts; and reveal how to apply the skills and techniques described in the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge to facilitate planned change that exceeds stakeholder, compliance and regulatory requirements.
What the attendee Will Learn:
- Brief history of cybersecurity
- Risk and cost associated with cybercrime
- Applying business analysis techniques to facilitate risk management
- recognizing the value of industry standard cybersecurity frameworks
- Common cybersecurity terminology, techniques and tools
- Role of governance, risk and compliance to support cybersecurity initatives