Outcome is King…Or How To Rethink Modeling a Value Stream
Tuesday, June 10, 2025
4:55 pm
Value Streams are key artifacts that a BA will model for a business. Rather than just focus on the use of enabling Capabilities or implementing Processes as the constituent elements of Value Stream Stages, which is like arguing whether light is a wave or a particle when it behaves as both, a deeper understanding can be had by also focusing on Outcomes. Outcomes are states of Business Objects (key things of interest to the business), which are needed or produced by enabling Capabilities or implementing Processes. This set of relationships is what holds a BA model together, allowing other forms of business descriptive knowledge to be cross-referenceable. However, Outcomes are often given short shrift in the construction of Value Streams, which is unfortunate as “Outcome is King”! This session will explore the deeper semantics of Value Streams that have emerged as a result of the OMG’s new BA Core Metamodel (BACM) standard enhanced with relevant concepts from both the BABOK and BIZBOK.
- Understand role of Business Objects, Capabilities, Processes, and Outcomes in OMG’s BA Core Metamodel (BACM)
- Appreciate how essential the modeling of Business Objects and Outcomes correctly is to BA modeling
- Rethink how to model Value Streams by checking consistency of Outcomes for affected Business Objects