It’s Not Mean, It’s Clear
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
2:00 pm
Atlantic Ballroom 1
Feedback is essential at every level of the enterprise, but most people cringe at the thought of giving negative feedback. We’re conditioned from childhood not to say anything if it isn’t “nice”. As a result, we miss the opportunity to provide clear, meaningful feedback that can change relationships and outcomes. Instead, we suffer in silence or we dance around the topic leaving the receiver dazed and confused and everyone’s energy zapped. Let’s get rid of the old approaches like sandwiching the negative between two positives- you’ll just end up with a watered-down version of your truth. Let’s learn to say what we mean so we get what we want. The quality of your life is directly related to the quality of your dialog but most of us don’t have the confidence or tools to communicate this directly. If you are an Agile team member looking to improve the retrospective, a manager looking to provide better feedback to your team or if you want meaningful feedback that empowers you to improve your own performance, this session is for you.
Learning Objectives:
- Give direct feedback that gets results
- Provide feedback in 5 minutes or less
- Elicit feedback that can inspire you to do great work
- Techniques to build your confidence