Introducing Holistic Business Analysis
Friday, November 15, 2019
10:55 am
Regency Ballroom 1
‘Holism’ originates from the Greek word ‘holos’ (= ‘all’, ‘whole’, ‘entire’) and is the concept that systems (physical, biological, social, economic …) are to be viewed as wholes, not just as a collection of its parts.BA’s are very often absorbed by their work on solutions, customer journeys, business processes … all initiatives with a certain level of impact on the whole organisation. As such, the Holistic BA looks at an organisation as a whole and not only as a collection of employees, business domains, customers, processes, systems, change initiatives, etc…The speaker will introduce you into the world of Holistic Business Analysis, including the different organisational levels on which the Holistic BA can contribute, the various types of requirements/stakeholders/scope … and how all of these are related
Learning Objectives:
- See an organisation as a whole as well as a collection of its parts
- Explore the BA profession beyond the tasks and techniques
- Introduce concepts & techniques essential to Holistic BA