How The Customer Perspective Can Drive And Innovate Business Operations How The Customer Perspective Can Drive And Innovate Business Operations How The Customer Perspective Can Drive And Innovate Business Operations - Building Business Capability

How The Customer Perspective Can Drive And Innovate Business Operations How The Customer Perspective Can Drive And Innovate Business Operations How The Customer Perspective Can Drive And Innovate Business Operations


Friday, October 23, 2020


9:55 am


It can be challenging to identify and prioritize the necessary changes in an organization to ensure Business Efficiency, Effectiveness and Growth. This presentation will start from the Customer Perspective and through their journey help determine where key changes in day-to-day operations need to be made. Additionally, this presentation will walk you through strategic opportunities for automation from both the Data and Subject Matter Expert Perspective. Bringing a 360-degree view of process improvement opportunities through the customer’s eyes, business owner’s expertise, and the clear data. 

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