Harvesting Product Scope and Using it to Build Stronger Products
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
4:15 pm
Atlantic Ballroom 3
Products not Projects! So why gather scope when you can jump right into building products?
This tutorial will walk through hands-on examples on how to get the right scope and scope level for products and build a strong foundation that will yield better features and user stories.
Are you working on highly technical initiatives? What do your features and user stories look like? Technical or showcasing business value?
The session will also cover real life examples of what to do when a product is perceived to be highly technical in nature and how the BA can lead the scrum team into producing artifacts that showcase the business value. It will illustrate challenges and impacts associated with the understanding/misunderstanding of the BA role on scrum teams and how to overcome those.
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding the importance of clear scope statements in the successful delivery of products
- Grasp the level of scope required to build successful products and still be agile
- Understand how to elevate and adapt the role of the BA in the agile world