Easy Bake Oven Security: Recipes to Design Security Into Products
Friday, May 12, 2023
10:15 am
Academy 414
Imagine a time before the Food Network, before Hello Fresh and Blue Apron, before Uber Eats and Grub Hub. Imagine that children helped their parents prepare meals by prepping vegetables, stirring pots on stoves, taking pans out of the oven once the time dinged, and setting the dining table. Very real risk of injury existed there. In 1963, the world was introduced to the very first Easy Bake Oven by Kenner Products in Cincinnati, Ohio, a child’s toy designed to look like a conventional oven and inspire children to bake real edible and tasty food. Fast forward to the post-pandemic world of 2023, where security breaches and ransomware attacks abound. An organization needs a strong information security program to defend itself against threats while remaining compliant with privacy laws and regulations. Using the analogy of the Classic Easy Bake Oven, Joy Toney makes the application of information security and privacy best practices to product design easy, fun, and digestible.