Digital Solution Design Canvas
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
1:30 pm
The number of digital solutions and apps is growing exponentially. We created this workshop to present a tool for rapid innovation and prototyping, which is time efficient, money saving and proven on real projects. It was designed to help companies to combine creative ideas and new technologies and allows the users to easily innovate ideas, incorporate ultimate technologies, rethink customer experience and support their business decision making about further development. The workshop will demonstrate this method (due to COVID 19 only with paper and colour pens), so participants will have a hands-on experience with the Canvas. Solution Design Canvas was created to Ignite Business Agility and allows business to respond rapidly and flexibly to customer demands and adapt and lead change (of product or service, of organization itself) in a productive and cost-effective way without compromising quality of the service or product. Participants will at the end share virtual their results and experience with others and visually explain their fulfilled Solution Design Canvas.
What Attendees Will Learn:
- How to establish Business Agility in practice
- Digital Solution Design
- How to gather change requirements