Decision-centric Design Thinking
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
1:30 pm
Atlantic Ballroom 3
Whether simplifying business processes; increasing straight through processing; applying big data, advanced analytics or AI/cognitive technology; or looking for dramatic reductions in time to market, digital transformation opportunities require a focus on decision-making. Design thinking is a proven approach to defining creative solutions to business problems. Decision-centric design thinking uses decision modeling to help teams define how their organization should decide. It defines a ‘to-be’ decision model and uses a graphical representation – a decision requirements model using the Decision Model and Notation (DMN) standard – as a visual analogy in place of technical requirements. This approach enables practical, creative design of solutions to your decision-making problems.
Decision Modeling documents known aspects of the current situation, reveals and resolves ambiguity, and supports definition of multiple alternative solutions. It’s highly iterative and often results in an a-ha moment. Decision models capture how human experts make decisions in a way that makes it clear what should be automated, and how. Decision modeling makes it easy to continually update the way decisions are made by externalizing decision-making from the underlying technology. And decision models make the decision-making approach tangible and allow for shared understanding across business, IT, data science and operations.
This tutorial introduces decision modeling and the DMN notation, shows how to use design thinking to develop creative decision-making approaches, and uses the notation to document these solutions.
Attendees will get a free copy of “Real-World Decision Modeling with DMN” by James Taylor and Jan Purchase, (Meghan-Kiffer, 2016).
What you will lean:
- How to define decision requirements using the DMN standard
- How to drive decision-centric design thinking sessions
- How to define creative solutions to decision-making problems
- How to get started using decision requirements modeling on your projects