Building a Business Analysis Community
Thursday, October 22, 2020
3:05 pm
“How do you move the adoption of business analysis forward in an organization when the majority of the organization doesn’t understand the value it brings? Organizationally, our Business Analysis Team sits outside of Business and IT (a fantastic advantage!). Yet — as many of you have experienced — several attempts to “tell” our value to the enterprise have fallen short. That is, until this year. Realizing that many people in Business and a few in IT were doing high level “business analysis”, we decided to try something new and create a BA Community to come alongside each other, provide training around standards, and build an inventory of knowledge with everyone’s artifacts.
Join us as we share the problems we faced and how we’re moving forward as a community to solve them. Our hope is to spark some ideas that you could put into place in your own organization.”
Learning Objectives:
- How to build a BA Community of Practice
- How to break down organizational silos
- How to build an inventory of knowledge