Accelerating Digital Transformation at a global insurer using a Hybrid Cloud and AI Sandbox - Building Business Capability

Accelerating Digital Transformation at a global insurer using a Hybrid Cloud and AI Sandbox


Tuesday, June 28, 2022


4:00 pm


Diplomat 4/5


It was the middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic and our IBM team at Global Insurer had a pressing need to bring innovations and best of IBM, Red Hat and our ecosystem partners to accelerate Digital Transformation. A brainstorming session that spanned IBM (Research, Software, Cloud, Consulting) and our ecosystem s led to the creation of a a multi hybrid cloud sandbox that now spans IBM Cloud, Microsoft Azure and IBM systems and live cloud native application powered by Kubernetes (Red Hat OpenShift) and IBM Cloud Paks.  This presentation and a hands-on demo will highlight how an Insurer’s Business and Technical Strategy maps to Open Source, IBM & Microsoft Technologies (OpenShift, Ansible, Cloud Paks, Azure) to deliver Digital Insurance solutions for a Global Insurer.  We will demonstrate live a hybrid cloud and AI Insurance Application and how to accelerate digital transformation using Agile DevSecOps and a Product Centric development process.

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