Nick Vaughan
Manager Business Rules Centre, Inland Revenue
New Zealand Government
Nick’s professional career spans both private and government with a focus on the financial sector. He combines a strong technical foundation with Human Centered Design and a passion for Human leadership. With over 40 years’ experience with technology and digital systems with at least half of that in government, Nick is a thought leader who is highly sought after, particularly for his unique perspective he brings in supporting the transition to a human-centric digital government.
Nick has a senior role with Inland Revenue as Manager of the Business Rules Centre. In this role he was responsible for leading the development of a Rules based approach to legislation design and the ability to model decisions and rules using technology.
Nick recently had a 10 month secondment with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment as a Policy Manager focussing on Small Business and also was a Change Manager transitioning regulatory services impacting small businesses onto a single digital platform. Nick’s work was part of The “Better for Business” team, a 10 agency initiative committed to improving the business customer experience with government. Better for Business is about understanding the needs of NZ’s businesses and helping government deliver services in better and smarter ways.
Nick has been a key contributor to the “Better rules – better outcomes” initiative. Better Rules is a NZ cross-government initiative working on machine-readable legislation, also known as “legislation-as-code”, which was short-listed for a global innovation award in 2018 by the Organisation of Public Sector Innovation (part of the OECD). He is particularly interested in the human and knowledge aspects of Better Rules– keeping people on the same page and enabling agility to create a foundation on which we can create frictionless customer experiences with government.