Your Career Journey - the Myths, the Mystery and the Magic
Thursday, May 11, 2023
3:05 pm
Alliance 316
There was a billboard in downtown Toronto we once spotted “In every career there are 1,645 Mondays. Enjoy more of them” Perhaps it is a mindset shift to be more positive. That must be it – a positive mindset ! Say the words and it is done. Oh, if only it were that simple.
We are often reminded to take ownership of our own career. The paradox is we often join organisations on the promise the employer develops our career. We are often reminded to take time out to focus on career. The contradiction is we are assigned demanding deadlines. Afterall if you want a job done, give it to a busy person – right? We are often reminded to challenge ourselves and try new things. The irony is we are often ‘rewarded’ for getting a good outcome by being asked to replicate it again and again and again…
What is the role of our managers and leaders? What is our role? What does the literature say? What is your experience?
Join the Myth Busters – Susan and Michael – as they debunk the Myths, explore the Mysteries and unleash the Magic of Your Career Journey