Want Better Business Analysts? Build a BA Community of Practice
Thursday, May 11, 2023
11:35 am
Academy 411
See if this sounds familiar – there is a request for a business analyst for an important organizational initiative, but there are no BA’s available. How do you succeed when there is more project analysis work than there are trained business analysts? Expanding the team often isn’t an option. Do you limit the number of projects and miss potential opportunities for your organization, or move forward without a business analyst and risk less than desirable results due to poor requirement definition?
What if you could utilize your BA best practices without having a BA on every project? By implementing a community of practice that expands beyond your current BA team, you can expand your analysis capacity.
I’ll discuss how to develop a business analysis community of practice that reaches beyond the business analysts – allowing you to increase the number of projects producing effective analysis and requirements and allowing you the chance to develop a pipeline of BA talent.