Using Standards to Enable Decisions as a Service
Thursday, November 14, 2019
8:00 am
Atlantic Ballroom 1
In a technical world dominated by discussions of serverless, APIs, and microservices, we’ve reached an inflection point that will form the basis of the next wave of technology evolution. However, to take advantage of these advances, we must rethink the way we build, manage and deploy applications. Decisions will play a key role in this revolution.
This presentation will focus on the DMN and BPMN standards and their integration with industry data standards to enable a powerful approach to handling Fintech and Regtech using the mortgage industry (MISMO) as a case study. We believe that “decisions as a service” will become a primary delivery model and facilitate the creation and deployment of powerful APIs and microservices. Decisions enable a business-driven approach to development and deploying the capabilities as services will enable consumers to get custom automation. This is imperative in industries like financial services where the only constant is change.
Learning Objectives:
- Integration of business and technical standards
- True service-based based environment using APIs and microservices
- Setting the table for other emerging technology – blockchain, AI, etc