Unleash Your Architecture Creativity
Thursday, November 14, 2019
8:00 am
Atlantic Ballroom 3
Architecture is a critical enabler of business agility, digital transformation, flexibility, stability, performance, operational excellence, and business success. However, architecture often struggles to keep up with the pace of business or make the cultural and process changes required, and has often failed to deliver on its promise. New realities require new architectural thinking.
The new world is dynamic, decentralized, data driven, automated, and self-learning. The skills of an architect – big picture, critical thinking, system thinking, abstraction, conceptualization, visualization – are all still important, but the environment for using them, the goals for applying them, and the stakeholders that you deliver them to are different.
This presentation explores how architects can unleash their creativity in this brave new world to build influence, create value and challenge the status quo.
Learning Objectives:
- The role of architecture in the age of Agile and DevOps
- New ideas for creative architecture
- Applying core architectural principles with new stakeholders