Transforming a Kingdom—the Process of Vision Realization
Thursday, November 14, 2019
3:15 pm
Regency Ballroom 3
Saudi Arabia is undertaking the largest change project ever attempted, guided by its Vision 2030 strategy. Every aspect of government, business, and personal life is impacted. This is creativity, innovation, agility, and deep analysis at national scale.
Realizing the vision has triggered transformation of the public sector requiring reimagining and reengineering of the business processes by which it delivers services. The Ministry of Communications & Information Technology (MCIT) is at the forefront of this change.
This presentation describes MCIT’s journey from low BPM maturity with no process documentation, modelling tools, process performance management, or process culture, to a successful implementation of process-based management having all of those.
The presentation shares practical lessons learned about process-lead organizational transformation and discusses the necessary mindset and cultural changes, as well as the legacy governmental constraints that obstruct BPM development.
Learning Objectives:
- The role of process in organizational transformation
- High-impact strategies for process change management
- Developing the process mindset
- Enhancing BPM maturity|Insights into Vision 2030