The Strategic Playground; Cultivating a Strategic Mindset - Building Business Capability


Mary Rapaport

The Strategic Playground; Cultivating a Strategic Mindset


Wednesday, June 11, 2025


11:35 am


As Technology rapidly advances, encroaching upon traditional cognitive tasks, the demand for human strategic thinking has never been more critical. This interactive presentation explores the urgent need to cultivate strategic mindsets within organizations to ensure continued relevance and success in a tech-driven world. We’ll explore why cultivating a strategic mindset in the current business landscape is crucial, particularly given current advancements in technology, workplace culture shifts, and business performance pressures.  Participants will gain practical, immediately actionable tools and approaches for developing their own strategic thinking and how to build this competency in their teams and create a culture that cultivates and celebrates strategic thinking.


  • Identify and overcome barriers to adopting a strategic mindset
  • Apply methods to incorporate better and more strategic thinking into current key initiatives
  • Use powerful questions to encourage strategic thought and create a culture that values long-term, innovative thinking

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