The Power of Words
Thursday, November 14, 2019
11:40 am
Atlantic Ballroom 2
The head of Marketing turns to the head of Operations and says “Well now we’re talking about semantics.” Did you cringe? Did you immediately begin trying to find another way to ask the question to show the chasm between the definitions each of them apparently have on the matter? Then you too understand the power of words; in design and implementation.
During this interactive session we will explore two of the most powerful tools an Analyst or Architect has, which are some of the first skills we learn in grade school; synonyms and role playing. We will explore the power of words for delivering clarity and creating consensus through active engagement and “walking in someone else’s shoes”.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognizing pitfalls in language
- Tips for recognizing the need for clarity
- Paraphrasing; When and why?
- Leading an audience to consensus