The Core Concepts of Performance Improvement
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
2:55 pm
Alliance 313
We can all agree that everyone wants better business performance. While there are many avenues to improvement – aligning end products and services to our customer needs, gaining actionable insights from analyzing reliable business data, and having a more knowledgeable team, are all worthy efforts to almost guaranteed improved performance. The challenge is that these and other improvement efforts span such vastly different domains, it is easy to overoptimize each area, and forget there is ultimately just one goal: enhance overall performance. Business Process discipline provides the foundation to synchronize and align all the individual components of the business, without losing track of the big picture, and the complex interdependencies that always exist. In this session, Sasha Aganova will introduce some key techniques that will help you become better at what you do and will provide critical factors to grow process maturity in your organization.