The Business Side of Data and Why it Matters
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
9:00 am
Atlantic Ballroom 1
It’s become a cliche to say ‘data is an asset’. Roles such as VP or Director of Data & Analytics have been elevated to mean more than managing a DW and increasingly organizations hire into the role of Chief Data Officer (CDO), typically expecting it to fix all their data issues.But what does it really mean to say ‘data is an asset’? Is it about cutting edge technologies and implementing data lakes? Why do we even care? And what would it take to actually materialize treating ‘data as an asset’? Especially in seasoned organizations already well-set in their ways, where organizational culture recognizes functions like supply chain, sales, or finance as indisputable business assets, data not so much!This session will address the above questions and share a comprehensive Enterprise Information Management (EIM) framework that depicts all the components to consider when embarking on a journey to treat ‘data as an asset’; emphasis will also be given to the key areas to prioritize on, for increased chances of program success.
Learning Objectives:
- what is ‘data is an asset’ and why it matters?
- EIM framework to start addressing data challenges, regardless the industry you’re in
- key tenets to prioritize and focus on
- exercise to strengthen understanding of some of the concepts/tools presented