Systems Thinking: Practical BA Techniques for Business Agility
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
11:30 am
The business environment is moving at a rapid pace. More than ever we need the ability to quickly sense and respond to change, and there is increasing focus on enabling agility within organizations. Achieving agility can be tricky when working in large seemingly bureaucratic organizations with a whole legacy of technology, political and process issues that seemingly need resolving. With tricky stakeholders and conflicting perspectives, change initiatives stall and our organizations risk falling behind market and customer expectations.
Business analysis is a crucial enabler that plays an important part in overcoming these issues and helping organizations strive towards achieving agility. As practitioners we can draw techniques and approaches from the world of systems thinking to help us.
In this practical session you will hear:
- What systems thinking is, and how it can contribute towards business agility
- A practical set of systems thinking techniques that have direct applicability for BAs
- How systems thinking naturally fits with an agile BA mindset