Strategic Business Analysis: Your Practical BA Toolkit
Monday, October 19, 2020
9:00 am
Too often, projects or change initiatives set off with a very specific solution in mind. Perhaps an executive has fallen in love with a particular software package and can’t wait to see it implemented. Yet if we don’t have a clear understanding of the underlying problem and strategic context in which we’re operating, there’s a real danger that we’ll deliver exactly what is asked of us… only to find it doesn’t achieve the organization’s goals.
This is an area where strategic business analysis can help. In this practical, hands-on session you will hear about a range of strategic BA techniques that have application throughout the business change lifecycle. Whether you are working in an agile, waterfall or hybrid environment, these tools will be useful.
What Attendees Will Learn:
● Practical techniques for understanding the ‘real’ underlying problems/root causes
● An approach for defining the outcomes that organizations are aiming to achieve
● A technique for understanding the external business environment
● Tips for understanding stakeholder perspectives on change
You will take away a practical, applicable toolkit that you can use on your own projects.