Smart Behaviors, Smarter Organization
Thursday, November 14, 2019
2:15 pm
Diplomat Ballroom 3
It’s said that culture eats strategy for breakfast, but many organizations, out of fear or inexperience, don’t actively attempt to shape their culture. They know it’s important but don’t know what to do about it. However, in today’s turbulent environment, human capital is often the only enduring strategic advantage. But when employees are too busy to think and their days are filled with endless emails and unproductive meetings, it’s difficult to leverage the staff’s capabilities. This session will focus on how individual core behaviors such as collaboration, curiosity, and commitment translate into organizational strengths. When organizations make their “soft” stuff hard, they can leverage all of the innate capabilities of their employees. The key to success lies in focusing on behaviors, not culture as the vehicle for change.
Learning Objectives:
- While being too busy inhibits “thinking”
- what are the most important behaviors for success
- What can attendees do about culture