Realizing Business Strategy Through Execution - Building Business Capability


Art Drake

Realizing Business Strategy Through Execution


Wednesday, November 13, 2019


3:15 pm


Regency Ballroom 2


Realizing strategy is not a new challenge.  In fact, over the last decade a number of books, articles, presentations, and courses have been devoted to this challenge/topic. There is no one set answer to achieving better strategic realization.  There are a wide variety of terms used to describe this challenge – e.g., strategy-to-execution, strategic execution, strategic portfolio management, and so on.  This session will look at how the Verisk IoT organization redesigned its strategy-to-execution model.  Attendees will learn several key techniques to improve their organization’s ‘strategy realization’.  The session will include some strategy execution theory, but attendees will gain insight on how these theories were put to practical use.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define business strategy realization.
  • Mapping strategy and execution to an organization’s capabilities.
  • How to blend multiple execution techniques.

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