Product Ownership in the Real World - Building Business Capability


Emily Midgley

Product Ownership in the Real World


Monday, May 8, 2023


1:30 pm


Alliance 309


Our goal is to maximize the value of the product, but what does that even mean? Some of it is straightforward: more revenue, engaged customers, maybe even a better planet. We should also think about maintaining the technical applications. Remember that the team should keep their skills sharp. And your customers won’t let you forget their proposed changes to the product. How does a Product Owner have time for all of it?

Product Ownership is harder than it looks. In this session, we’ll review the basics of Product Ownership and talk about what it’s really like as a PO. We’ll look at practical ways to make the most of what precious time is available to you and to the team. We all have too much to do.  It’s time to get real about how to actually succeed as a Product Owner.

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