Predictive Process Management
Monday, June 27, 2022
1:30 pm
Regency 3
Well, of course you know how the process performed last week. You won’t get a Nobel Prize for that. What we really want to know is what will happen next week. That’s the holy grail of all management—how do we predict, indeed create, the future.While it is important to understand what has already happened, an essential test of effective process management is whether future performance can be predicted with useful certainty? If not, process management can only be reactive, indicating a low level of control.In stable process performance can be predicted, with a high level of confidence, to be within known limits unless something changes. Such changes might be expected or unexpected.The fewer the unexpected changes, the better your prediction of performance, the closer you are to that Nobel Prize.This presentation shows how to achieve predictive process management. (Sadly, there’s no Nobel Prize for process management, but there should be, don’t you think
What Attendees Will Learn:
- Understanding the role of variation in performance.
- How to analyze the predictability of process performance.
- Finding signals in the process performance noise.
- How to build and use a Process Behavior Chart.
- Looking beyond the data—other elements of propheting in process.