Navigating the BA/PM Relationship
Thursday, October 22, 2020
4:45 pm
At times, business analysts and project managers step on each other’s toes, especially when starting a new project. Though it may appear that their roles and tasks sometimes overlap, they are performed in different contexts. In this presentation, Tamara and Becky examine this from both viewpoints, look at the context in which each role is performed, and discuss ways to forge a clear path forward to collaborating with joy. Their presentation will kick off with story-telling, perspectives, and techniques. Then, Tamara and Becky will engage the audience with a Lean Coffee-style exercise to discuss different scenarios and questions pertinent to the attendees.
Learning Objectives:
- Acknowledge and identify points where the BA and PM roles intersect
- Learn ways to think about & better understand the lens through which PMs & BAs see their roles
- Share techniques to enhance communication and understanding between the two roles