Leverage the Power of Creativity to Drive & Sustain Innovation
Thursday, April 18, 2024
8:00 am
Grand Caribbean 8-10
Do you know how to make pigs fly? Because if you don’t, your organization is at risk! At risk of falling behind, not meeting your stakeholder’s needs, losing your best employees, poor collaboration, not being agile enough to thrive in today’s changing environment, and even becoming obsolete. Innovation is no longer an option, it is a requirement. And making pigs fly is all about embracing curiosity and imagination, because without creativity – innovation falls flat. But when you embrace creativity, you embrace the future! In this fun and engaging session, you will be introduced to the Six Pillars of Creative Organizations that will help you drive and sustain innovation. Whether you’re looking to grow, engage employees, establish new partnerships, embrace a digital transformation, explore new revenue sources or have greater impact with your work, creativity is the foundational piece that can help you think differently and soar.