Knowledge sharing: protecting teams & unshackling high-performers
Friday, May 12, 2023
8:00 am
Academy 411
As business professionals, we know the feeling of being the only person with an in-depth understanding of a given topic. That’s our job! We’ve been told that this gives us job security and ensures us that we’re always needed. But what if it’s also hindering our careers and lives?
Lack of knowledge sharing within teams and larger organizations exposes our colleagues to key-person risk and limits us from stepping away from our roles (even for vacation)! Investing in processes to share and retain topic knowledge across teams lowers risks to teams and enables managers to promote/move high-quality employees without fear of negatively impacting business functions.
In this presentation, we will discuss the organizational and personal benefits of knowledge sharing within teams and organizations. We will also talk about how, as both a leader and as the “key-person”, to build knowledge sharing/retention processes and a culture of knowledge sharing.
Learning Objectives
- Identify the primary benefits of knowledge sharing within teams and organizations
- Enable the audience to identify instances where knowledge sharing and retention are not happening through examples
- Develop tools the audience can use to build knowledge retention & sharing processes and a culture of knowledge sharing