Intro to Agile Workshop
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
1:30 pm
Atlantic Ballroom 2
Are you someone who is agile curious or will soon be working on agile projects? Agile concepts and practices are permeating software development. If you have not been exposed to agile yet, at some point you will. If you need to understand the basics, or simply brush up on the concepts of agile software development, this session is for you! Learn the basics of agile in a low-stress environment through hands-on exercises as we take a step-by-step journey to delivering a creative product. This is NOT a lecture-based workshop, but an interactive session where you will “learn by doing.”
Attendees Will Learn About:
- Scrum Basics
- Visualizing the Product
- Small Batch Sizing
- Story Writing
- Acceptance Test Writing
- Delivering a Product Within a Timebox