Idea Management: The Good, The Bad and The Uncertain
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
4:00 pm
Grand Caribbean 3-5
“I have an idea!” Great to hear when you’re brainstorming but not so great when those raw ideas make their way into your backlog to be implemented.
Innovation-driven organizations understand that ideas, which seem to come from everywhere, are fuel for their success. Ideas represent intellectual capital that can result in increased costs but also great benefits. Therefore, management of these valuable assets in their earliest form is essential. Unmanaged, they can delay delivery of value and suppress truly transformative concepts.
In this talk, participants will learn about ISO’s standard for Idea Management, ISO/DIS 56007:2022(E), from its family of innovation standards (ISO 56000). Idea management offers a practical shift from traditional methods of idea development by resolving uncertainties rather than pursuing solutions for initial ideas.
This presentation will feature several case studies showcasing the enhanced outcomes achieved through idea management activities.