How I discovered the key to preparing workshops that people love
Thursday, June 30, 2022
10:15 am
Regency 2
I am sure you have years of experience and run workshops regularly. You know the rules: to define a goal, write an agenda, identify stakeholders and designate roles.
I am sure you are a facilitator and you are working on this skill constantly. But, do you still have workshops where one person dominates your meetings? Do you feel that no one is engaged? Are the results still unclear? Do people say they don’t want to waste time? For tough workshops, do you prefer to invite an external moderator? If you answered yes at least once, then this case study is for you.
In my daily work I run around 2-5 workshops weekly. They are mostly with business leaders. They are for people who do not like to waste their time.
I discovered the secrets to workshop preparation. You will be surprised how much you can prepare before the workshop and that moderation is an easy thing to do without stress. I will share with you my life hacks gained over 15 years with a step-by-step guide using practical examples.