Fit For Purpose — A Process View of Organizational Fitness
Thursday, November 14, 2019
10:40 am
Diplomat Ballroom 3
Organizational fitness means being ready, willing, and able to respond quickly, appropriately, creatively, and safely to performance issues and opportunities in an agile manner—indeed, advanced fitness enables prediction of such events. Fit organizations are change ready because they study the fundamentals, develop skills, build systems to search for evidence, and practice for the events.
This presentation explores new directions in coupling process-based management and organizational fitness. Drawing on case study experience, it explores key attributes of organizational fitness and how they are developed and maintained by conscious process management and continuous process improvement.
Action-ready suggestions are provided for developing and maintaining organizational fitness through process-based management.
Creative, continuous attention to process performance is not just about IT, or automation, or modelling, or KPIs—it’s about all of that and much more to ensure that an organization is fit for purpose.
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding organizational fitness
- Process impacts on organizational fitness
- Achieving process fitness
- Dealing with barriers to fitness
- The process gym