Facilitated Business Data Modeling Made Easy
Friday, October 23, 2020
8:00 am
“Data Modeling, done well, is an effective and precise way to understand and document what a business needs (data and rules) and it is a highly effective way to enable a business rethink its core business. It is one aspect of modeling a business. Data Modeling is of the business, for the business, and by the business.”
This interactive session provides the Business Analyst and Manager with the tools and information to be able to understand and explain Business Data Models to business clients as
well as be able to build a Business Data Model. Topics include:
• What is Business Data Modeling – Why do we do it?
• When do you build a Business Data Model?
• How do you build a Business Data Model?
Learn How To:
- Build a Business Data Model with business clients who have never seen a data model
- Use the modeling session to clarify the business
- Active Listening affects the model and how to effectively listen to your clients
- Harness the collective knowledge of your clients to build a model that they embrace
- Make the model truly their model