Enabling change with OUTCOMES - Building Business Capability

Enabling change with OUTCOMES


Monday, June 27, 2022


1:30 pm


Regency 2


A golden rule: “Understand the real need before proposing a solution”. Although everyone recognizes this rule, a lot of enterprises still start with a specific defined solution for an unknow need. There is a misunderstanding of the value of the BA, seen as a contract generator who must define all the OUTPUTS to be delivered by a development team. At the end, dissatisfied customers complain: “This solution does not solve my need”. The development team is unhappy: “Need? What need? We did exactly what was asked.” Result: dissatisfied customers and developers. This situation must change. An executive view of any enterprise must make the current situation clear and describe the OUTCOMES expected. Detailed scope, budgets and plans are only made later, incrementally and with the collaboration and creativity of the development team who must take responsibility for reaching OUTCOMEs instead of OUTPUTs. 

Learning objectives – What you will learn:

  • How to represent requirements in the form of OUTCOMEs instead of OUTPUTs 
  • Techniques to understand and represent the current situation and the desired situation in a collaborative way 
  • How to sell a change to the executive team Presentation Level Foundational

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