Enabling a Nimble Mindset: Creatively Managing Existential Threats - Building Business Capability

Enabling a Nimble Mindset: Creatively Managing Existential Threats


Thursday, May 11, 2023


4:45 pm



Alliance 316


How can we remain nimble while securing our organizations from existential threats? Today, business leaders must adopt new strategies to take into consideration emerging threats like climate change, global pandemics, cyberthreats, uncertain financial conditions, and now – nuclear war!? This session aims to foster awareness of intangible threats while focusing on tangible risks and opportunities to protect our organization’s data, systems and people. The session will draw upon our experiences, academic research, and out-of-the-box thinking on how existential threats impact our organizational strategic approach, and with that, we’ll offer some business analysis techniques that may help you generate more creative ideas to solve complex problems. 

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