Data At The Heart of Your Business Requirements
Thursday, October 22, 2020
2:00 pm
Business and data go hand-in-hand, regardless if it’s a new system/process implementation or changes to an existing one, and regardless the industry you’re in. This session showcases the importance of understanding the business context of data and how it relates to the business need at hand. It speaks to effective questions to ask to guide business folks get to what they are really looking for, which every seasoned business analyst would tell you it’s not always as it seems! And it makes the case for key data principles and tools that ought to be part of every IT project implementation.
Learning Objectives:
- Importance of the business context of data in business requirements
- ‘Business data purpose’ mindset, help business requestors navigate to what they are ultimately looking for
- Best of the best data principles and tools to strive for, in every project implementation