Cybersecurity Risk Analysis for Emerging Technologies - Building Business Capability

Cybersecurity Risk Analysis for Emerging Technologies


Monday, June 27, 2022


1:30 pm


Diplomat 2


“Technology is emerging and expanding to provide better solutions and enhance end-user experience and with every benefit comes risks. We have clearly established evidence that as technology expands so does vulnerability resulting in security breaches and incidents. Why is this the case? What are the organizations missing or overlooking?”  

Cybersecurity is no longer an IT problem to solve. Today, it’s a top priority for most business leaders, while customers expect companies to keep their information secure, and regulatory mandates increasingly add pressure to tighten controls. And with a massive shortage of cybersecurity talent, organizations need everyone to take responsibility for cybersecurity – to think and act securely. And to ensure that cybersecurity solutions are value-driven, performing accurate risk assessments are foundational. In this workshop the presenters who are also the co-authors of the IIBA Cybersecurity Business Analysis Certification and exam writers will share strategies and methodologies to address the mammoth Cyber-world issues through tutorials, group discussions, and risk assessment exercises on real-life security incidents. You will learn to implement key security components and take away approaches to implement today and onward in the ever-expanding new cyber-landscape.

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