Creating Winning Products: How Effective Analysis Drives Product Success
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
1:30 pm
Diplomat Ballroom 3
Products can be embraced by customers and propel an organization to greater success, or they can result in wasted investments that hobble an organization for years to come. There are equal examples of both and in many cases the responsibility for delivering that next breakthrough product (or the next dud) lies squarely with the product owner. So how does a product owner give their team’s product the greatest probability of being the product that is embraced by their marketplace?
Did you know your analysis related competencies provide a strong foundation for product ownership success? Are you effectively leveraging those competencies? And what about the business analysis practices that you already use today – are you leveraging the important ones that will lead the product owner to deliver highly-valued outcomes? And finally, are you effectively executing the handful of business analysis techniques that will have the biggest impact on the product owner’s ability to drive desired outcomes?
Whether you want to have higher quality interactions with your product owner; or want to work more productively as a proxy for your product owner; or have recently stepped into a product owner role; or perhaps aspire to be one – this session is for you!