Collaborative Games Workshop
Monday, October 19, 2020
1:30 pm
Do you work on projects where it seems like you’re missing the mark with your external customers? Do your internal stakeholders think you lack a true understanding of their needs?
Getting to the real needs of the customer is never easy. Accurately predicting what customers want, need, and will pay for is tough. Even if you ask them, they often can’t explain what they want.
Collaborative Games are a collection of collaboration frameworks that you can “play” with your colleagues and customers. Based on frameworks originated by Luke Hohmann, the goal is understanding the true needs of your customers.
The games themselves, while fun, are more than just play. Each game leverages deep principles of cognitive psychology and organizational behavior to uncover data that is difficult to uncover using traditional requirement elicitation. As you come to understand the power of these principles, your use of the games will improve, and you’ll find yourself able to discover even richer data.
What Attendees Will Learn:
- Uncover unspoken needs and breakthrough opportunities
- Clarify exactly how and when customers will use your product or service
- Deliver the right new features, and make better strategy decisions